baseVISION SOC and Microsoft Security: Monitoring IOT/OT Environments – Is It Possible?

Approaches to Implementing the Purdue Model with Microsoft Security In the age of digital transformation, companies worldwide are facing new challenges in cybersecurity, particularly due to the increasing integration of Operational Technology (OT) into digital networks. While IT security solutions have been continuously developed for years, OT security has long Read more…

Exploring our SOC – What are the benefits of having Security Analysts?

Who should analyze Security Incidents? Insights and recommendations in baseVISION’s latest video In cybersecurity, companies often wonder who should handle incident analysis: engineers, internal support teams, or an external Security Operations Center (SOC)?  Thomas Kurth (CEO and Senior Expert Security Consultant) and Christoph Düggeli (Senior Security Analyst) dive into this Read more…

Welcome Nico Schori

Starting the New Year with Reinforcement! We are thrilled to announce that Nico Schori is joining our team as a Senior Endpoint Security Engineer. Nico brings a fresh perspective and a knack for solving complex problems. With Nico’s technical expertise and forward-thinking approach, we are confident that we have the Read more…

Windows 11 24H2

On 1st of October Microsoft released the latest Windows 11 feature update. The focus for Windows 24 H2 was on stability and reliability. This Update comes with 36 months of support for Enterprise and Education editions. As with every feature update, Microsoft also shipped some new features and capabilities: Windows Read more…

Welcome Tim & Lukas

We’re excited to welcome two new professionals to the baseVISION team this month. Tim Beer joins us as an Endpoint Engineer, ready to enhance our endpoint solutions. Lukas Höhn steps in as an Incident Response Manager in the SOC team, strengthening our security operations. With their fresh perspectives, we’re looking Read more…

Im Gespräch mit unserem VR: Die Bedeutung von Krisenmanagement in der IT-Branche

In einer Welt, die von ständigen technologischen Veränderungen geprägt ist, wird es für Unternehmen immer wichtiger, auf unvorhersehbare Krisen vorbereitet zu sein. Wir haben uns mit unserem neuen VR-Mitglied Daniel Schlup, einem Experten für Krisenmanagement, zusammengesetzt, um über die Rolle von Resilienz und Business Continuity Management (BCM) in der IT-Branche Read more…

Vorstellung unseres neuen Verwaltungsrats: Daniel Schlup im Interview

Wir freuen uns sehr, Daniel Schlup als neues Mitglied unseres Verwaltungsrats (VR) bei baseVISION begrüssen zu dürfen. Mit seiner langjährigen Erfahrung in Krisenmanagement und Führung bringt er wertvolle Expertise mit, die unser Unternehmen noch widerstandsfähiger machen wird. In einem kurzen Interview erzählt er uns von seiner Motivation und seinen Perspektiven. Read more…