Company News
Understanding Microsoft CNAPP: How Defender for Cloud Secures Your Multicloud Workloads
In today’s rapidly evolving cybersecurity landscape, cloud security has emerged as the next key frontier. As organizations increasingly adopt cloud technology, the need for robust and comprehensive cloud security measures has never been more critical. An emerging trend making waves in this frontier is cloud-native application protection platforms (CNAPP). In
Welcome Fabian, Vladimir, Sandro and Keith
We’re pleased to welcome this month four talented professionals to the baseVISION team. Keith Potter takes on the role of Identity Consultant, where his expertise will be key in improving the Identity Management for our customers. Vladimir Meloski joins us as a Senior Security Engineer, bringing a wealth of experience
Welcome Luca Caprez
We’re pleased to welcome Luca Caprez to the baseVISION team as an Endpoint Engineer. Luca’s innovative approach and problem solving skills will enhance our endpoint solutions. Luca’s engineering expertise and proactive attitude towards technology will be key to optimizing our processes and improving the user experience. We look forward to
Welcome Thomas Reichmuth, Christoph Refardt & Mischa Nebel
As August unfolds, we’re thrilled to welcome three new employees to the baseVISION family. Thomas Reichmuth steps in as our new Head of SOC, bringing strategic vision and extensive experience to enhance our security operations through innovation and collaboration. Christoph Refardt joins us as a Technical Account Manager, ready to bridge
Welcome Lisa!
It is with great pleasure that we introduce our newest employee: Lisa Taglioli. As Assistant to the Management, Lisa will play a central role in our Olten office. She will take care of the many and varied tasks that our daily office life entails. With her experience and organizational skills,
Wie interne Phishing-Kampagnen und AI die Unternehmensverteidigung stärken
Im digitalen Zeitalter sind Unternehmen zunehmend den vielfältigen Gefahren von Cyber-Angriffen ausgesetzt. Eine besonders raffinierte und häufig genutzte Methode, um sensible Informationen zu stehlen, ist das Phishing. Im Gespräch mit Luana Herzog, Service Owner unseres innovativen Services “Phishing Prevention Campaign“, werfen wir einen Blick auf unseren Service und die Prävention
Welcome Gian-Luca & Lucas
As we step into June with renewed energy, we’re excited to introduce two new members to the baseVISION team. Lucas Magoni joins us as our new Endpoint Engineer, bringing his expertise to better serve the needs of our customers. Gian-Luca Buol joins us as an Incident Responder in our Security
Erfahrungsbericht MMS MOA 2024
Anfang Mai nahm Ramon Wyss, Senior Endpoint Engineer, an der diesjährigen Microsoft Management Summit (MMS) MOA Konferenz teil. Die MMS MOA hat sich für die baseVISION seit Jahren als wertvolle Plattform etabliert, um neue Trends und Features kennenzulernen, spannende Kontakte zu knüpfen und frische Inspirationen zu gewinnen. Wir haben die
Welcome Kevin
We are happy to welcome a new member to our team: Kevin Waldspurger. Kevin joins us as an Endpoint Engineer. With his expertise and experience, he will play a key role for our customers. Welcome on board, Kevin! We look forward to working with you. Dear Kevin, we are happy