Company News
Welcome Kevin
We are happy to welcome a new member to our team: Kevin Waldspurger. Kevin joins us as an Endpoint Engineer. With his expertise and experience, he will play a key role for our customers. Welcome on board, Kevin! We look forward to working with you. Dear Kevin, we are happy
Unsere Nerdio Partnerschaft
Wir sind Nerdio Partner – Was das bedeutet, erfahren Sie von Stefan Beckmann Einige haben es schon gehört: Wir sind stolzer Partner von Nerdio. Aber was bedeutet das genau und welche Vorteile haben unsere Kunden davon? Um das herauszufinden, haben wir unseren NVP Stefan Beckmann direkt dazu befragt. Warum ist
Neue Auszeichnung: baseVISION erhält Microsoft Data & AI Azure Specialization!
Mit grosser Freude verkünden wir ein weiterer bedeutender Meilenstein für uns – die Errungenschaft der renommierten Microsoft Cloud Security Specialization! Als Solutions Partner for Data & AI (Azure) verfügen wir über umfassende Kompetenzen, um Kunden bei der Verwaltung ihrer Daten über mehrere Systeme hinweg zu unterstützen, damit sie Analyse- und
How MISA Elevates Security for Our Customers
We are often asked by customers and partners what exactly the Microsoft Intelligent Security Association (MISA) is and why we emphasize this collaboration so much. MISA is an association started by Microsoft that aims to improve and expand security solutions and technologies through collaboration with leading security companies worldwide. But
Welcome Marco
Exciting news! We’re pleased to welcome Marco Reinli to our team as our new Senior Security Consultant. With his expertise and experience, Marco will play a key role with our security customers. Welcome aboard, Marco! We are looking forward to a good cooperation. Dear Marco, we are happy to have
Welcome Dominik
The baseVISION family continues to grow. This week Dominik Oberlin joined us as Senior Package Engineer. With his many years of experience, Dominik will make an important contribution to providing even better support to our customers. We are looking forward to a good cooperation. Dear Dominik, we are happy to
Big News: We are Nerdio Partners!
We are proud to announce a new important partnership – our partnership with Nerdio! We believe that this partnership will allow us to better serve our customers and meet their needs more efficiently. Some of the great advantages of Nerdio: Simple and automated – Nerdio accelerates Azure Virtual Desktop and
Microsoft Ignite Switzerland
Thank you for attending the session “Making End-to-End Security Real” at Microsoft Ignite Switzerland 2024. Thomas Kurth and Tamás Szivós-Aradi are happy to share their slides with you. If you have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to staying in touch and
Welcome Diego, Flamur, Giulia & Frank
We start March with full energy and four new members. Giulia Melotti Garibaldi and Diego Caminada join our SOC team as our new Security Analysts. Flamur Ramiqi is the new Teamlead of the Threat Intelligence Analyst and Detection Team in the SOC, and Frank Schnyder joins our Managed Service team