WimAsAService and Azure Virtual Desktop

Azure Virtual Desktop

With Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) on Microsoft Azure, you can provide desktop and app virtualisation services in the cloud. Azure Virtual Desktop works across devices including Windows, Mac, iOS and Android with fully functional apps that you can use to access remote desktops and apps.

The virtual desktop infrastructure, including broker, gateway, load balancer and diagnostics, is managed by Azure Virtual Desktop.

Also check the article on WimAsAService and Windows 365 which is a more simplified offering for small to mid-sized companies.

WimAsAService Images with Azure Virtual Desktop

In addition to the standard Windows images provided by Microsoft, you can also upload your own image in order to install applications, language packs, etc. in advance. This works best if the image is stored on a blob storage.

We have already covered how to upload your images to an Azure storage account in a tutorial found on our Wiki which guides you through every step on how to set up your storage account and configure your image type to facilitate the automatic upload. You can find the wiki page here:  WimAsAService Tutorials – Syntaro Help

Table of Contents

Use WimAsAService Images in Azure Virtual Desktop


Friendly reminder: Always check the availability of your region and create the blob storage in the same Azure region where you want the virtual machines to run afterwards.

Create Image

Login to the WimAsAService and create a new Image Type 


  1. Define a name for the image type.
  2. Select an Image (with the ending _WVD_“language“_x64)
  3. Select the metro apps which should be uninstalled
  4. Define Windows features to be installed or uninstalled, and remove Windows updates if they are not to be installed.
  5. Select Apps you want to install. There are three options here:
    • Package and upload your own application
    • Predefined application with a specific version
    • Predefined application with the latest version

For AVD (formerly WVD) there is a special version for teams and office according to the screenshot.

6. PowerShell scripts can be uploaded here. Accordingly, it can be defined when the scripts are executed.

7. Delivery Options: The file types can be defined here. For AVD we need the VHD file available on a blob storage. Accordingly, the storage name as well as the container name and the login data must be entered and checked using „Validate settings“.

8. In the last step, a schedule can also be set up. So that the images are regularly updated.

Go back to the startpage and start a new generation.

You will receive email notifications when the image is created and uploaded.

(There will be a new automatic possibility soon. Stay tuned!)

Create Session Host Pool / VM / Workspace

While the image is being generated, the configuration of the session host can be started.

Go to https://portal.azure.com/ 

Home > Azure Virtual Desktop > Demo Hostpool

Choose your Resource Group and fill in your details.

Create the virtual machine according to your internal specifications.

To reference to the WaaS image:

Image type: Storage blob

Image URI: Enter the path to the VHD file on the blob storage below.

Create a new workspace and click „Review + Create“.

Wait until the deployment is completed.

Log in to the machine, e.g. via the RD Web client:


Enjoy the pre-installed Windows with the selected applications and the latest Windows updates.


An automation of the steps is in progress. At the moment, it is not yet possible to determine whether a VHD file has already been uploaded or is still in progress.

Stay tuned!

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Get to know everything about Syntaro WimAsAService and Azure Virtual Desktop. Our team will be pleased to assist you with any questions.

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