The Educational Computing Network of Ontario (ECNO) is a not-for-profit technology cooperative incorporated to promote practices and provide cost-effective IT solutions to its members. All 72 district schoolboards in the province of Ontario (Canada), with about 2 million students, are members of ECNO. The Shared Technology Services (STS) project started as a collaborative effort to develop a community cloud-based platform that would give access of house learning resources to all students.
In the past boards were using a number of different processes to build WIM files. Another key issue was that each board needed to maintain the infrastructure to update a WIM. These processes were very complex and required a lot of resources.
The Canadians discovered WimAsAService from baseVISION via Twitter. A unique WIM File Generator that generates the required WIM files quickly, easily and without own infrastructure, just online.
Read our latest Case Study and see what Jason Baker, Analyst, Education Computing Network of Ontario, Shared Technologies, said about this innovative service and what further savings could be achieved through WimAsAService:
Here’s a wonderful animation to understand quick and easy the benefits of WimAsAService: